The Most Valuable Asset

How lucky do I feel to have a front row seat to witness and partake in the evolution of a
new asset class? Extremely lucky, but not because of luck.. I have guided myself on a journey
with a trusted friend to where we are today. The mickey B Fresh patreon was created with trust
at its core. It’s not easy to earn trust, but once it is earned it’s an element that is subtly
embedded into every type of interaction you may have with a person or entity.

In my opinion trust is one of the most valued and sometimes overlooked elements in life.
Trust is at the core of almost everything. Without it we’re left in a world of darkness and
uncertainty. Without it we don’t have a strong leg to stand on when it comes to the decisions we
need to make. The people we love and depend on, and sometimes our lives, depend on it. If
you do not trust your doctor’s opinion would you go through with a certain medical procedure
that they recommend for your ailment? Second opinions are always recommended especially
when it comes to our health, but what it comes down to is: Do we trust these opinions and how
is that trust earned?

Trust is an element that very often is absent in the crypto space. This is understandable
due to the current nature of the internet as we know it today, but also from a technical one. This
is why we have governmental and international organizations such as the World Wide Web
Consortium -also known as the W3C- to help combat dishonesty and make the internet a more
honest environment. There are many ways to trick and elude honesty on the internet. There are
many ways to trick or scam people in person. Some people make a living off of creating illusions
whether it be a magician for entertainment or a pick pocket as a criminal.

Since the beginning of the internet hackers and criminals have found vulnerabilities in
others to take advantage of for personal gain at someone else’s expense. Well, I’m sorry to
inform you if you didn’t already know, but this issue isn’t going away any time soon. We as
humans will forever be vulnerable to attack. The same goes for the networks we interact on. So,
we just kind of have to live with it. However, I look forward to a future where we, at the very
least, have alleviated much of the pressure of this issue. Until recently I had not found a
possible way to alleviate this pressure, and unfortunately I have been scammed on multiple
occasions online. It is basically inevitable. Education is a key element of life, and there are ways
we can educate ourselves to help understand these platforms we use daily. Without being
educated we end up making misinformed decisions that usually lead us down the wrong path.
This is where Mickey came into play in my life.

I met Mickey via the Investment Perspectives telegram group – this is Brad Kimes
telegram – back in 2019. In this group many people would share their perspectives on different
investments and experiences they had while taking part in those investments. Some good
experiences, some bad, but it was a fun group of people that did not know each other who were
brought together by a common goal. That goal was to learn more about crypto, and learn how
best to hedge against this failing economy. It is absolutely terrible the state at which our world is
in. I found this group to be extremely helpful on the education side of things, because crypto
was a new frontier and I was just beginning my journe

Computers and technology haven’t always been an interest of mine. I am an extreme sports
enthusiast, who loves to challenge my body and mind physically. Eventually this lifestyle led to
medical procedures that left my body unable to compete at the professional level. Naturally, I
calmed down and humbled myself. Through this process I have learned an awful lot about life in
general. Researching has been like my new extreme sport. It has filled a void in my life where
the adrenaline of extreme sports once brewed. Now my exhilaration comes from learning about
the future of technology and the path we will take to get there.

Over the last 3 years a ridiculous amount of PDF’s have been downloaded onto my
phone, it is absolutely insane. I had to update multiple devices, multiple times, due to lack of
storage space. For instance I would read 300+ page World Economic Forum documents just to
get a glimpse of what has been discussed on a global scale. At the core of what I was trying to
understand was what is crypto, and how will it be utilized in the future? What are the use cases?
There are so many crypto currencies, how do I differentiate one from another? This is where the
telegram group had really offered me assistance in my journey. I sent every screenshot I took to
this group in hopes that there were others on the same mission as me, and had the same
passion for knowing the truth. Then I was invited to join the Investment Perspectives “deep dive”
group. I believe there were 13 of us in the group after I joined, and these people were smart. I’m
talking about highly educated, extremely successful individuals that shared a passion for
knowing the truth about the mystery that is crypto.

In this deep dive group is where I met one of the coolest, insanely intelligent, and most
importantly most trustworthy people I have ever met. That’s the man we all know as Mickey B
Fresh. Mickey and I were probably the most obsessed in the group when it came to diving deep
into documents regarding crypto. I worked a night shift in the healthcare field as a Support
Assistant, so I was up all night. Every free minute I had I was reading through various
documents, taking screenshots, and underlining my findings and sharing with the group.
However most of the time it was just Mickey, myself, Don and Michael.

After over a year or two of this we began to form a relationship with each other in a way
that was more personable. Before, we were just names on a computer hiding behind an avatar.
We would talk to each other on the phone when we didn’t feel like typing things out. At this point
I felt like these people felt more like friends than study partners. We would send things via mail
and chat about life in general when one of us was going through a rough patch or just shoot the
shit about real life stuff – but mainly we stuck to crypto because that was our focus. I would say
Mickey was always a consistent wealth of knowledge in the group. He was always a step ahead
and knew things about technology principles that I didn’t. I could always look to Mickey to point
me in the right direction when I was heading down the wrong rabbit hole. He had been diving
deep longer than me. He had already been down those rabbit holes probably more than once.
The guy is absolutely inhuman when it comes to studying and deep diving.

I worked a night shift but Mickey was staying up all night just for his passion of finding
the truth. Any time I had a question Mickey was there to talk and help me understand what I was
missing. We formed a trusted relationship over the years to the point where this person was
someone I could honestly say is like a brother to me, along with the others in the group
including Don and Michael. It took years, but these people had earned my trust. After about a
year we realized our conversations had outgrown the investment perspectives telegram vision
because Mickey had realized DeFi was such a huge deal, and he wanted to stay focused on
just DeFi. It was going to be near impossible to steer the entire investment perspectives
telegram in that direction so Mickey decided to branch away from that telegram completely and
that’s when Mickey’s own telegram group, Fresh Perspectives, was born.

At this point Mickey and I were still communicating on a daily basis, and he was still
trying to hone in on DeFi, the different avenues it may lead along, and all the risks involved. Our
friend Don was still in close communication with us. As the weeks and months went on, Mickey,
Don and I were still sending countless screenshots to one another of various findings. Don had
come to the realization that what Mickey had built was a treasure trove of knowledge. And he
was absolutely 100% right. The things Mickey would bring up to us on a daily basis was
absolutely groundbreaking. He had the vision of where things could be leading and how we
would all get there. Don mentioned to Mickey that there was no way we could keep all this
knowledge to ourselves, and that Mickey must share this wealth of knowledge with the broader
community. I completely agreed that he must share his understanding of this space – because
so many in the community were still so caught up with the fomo, and watching the prices of
these assets, rather than actually seeing what elements were being built and what that meant
for the future.

Amazing things are going to be developed that will change the world as we know it. It’s
important to understand this as crypto holders, because we must truly understand why we hold
these digital assets. A new asset class is such a rare occurrence that we have all stumbled
upon. Truly understanding what we hold isn’t always easy and figuring what exactly these
assets/tools are actually capable of is even harder to grasp. There’s no crystal ball to tell us the
future. It takes lots and lots AND LOTS of deep diving and sharing opinions to get to the bottom
of what we are actually holding here and how exactly to use these digital assets to their full

If you somehow find yourself in the Mickey B Fresh patreon, you have stumbled upon
one of the greatest gems of all time. A true diamond in the rough. The amount of knowledge that
is shared amongst its valued members is endless. And to be honest I believe the value of this
patreon stems from the mission, the vision, and the trust that has been built and earned. We are
a VERY tight knit group. There were only a handful of us who were there in the beginning
digging. This group was built directly out of the idea of helping the community learn and
understand what it is they hold for their own well being, to help the community level up their
knowledge, and at the core of it all is trust. Without trust none of this would be possible. Thank
you Mickey for being a trustworthy friend from the beginning, and always having the
community’s well being as the mission of this patreon. I have so much respect for you and this
community you have created, and feel so privileged to have a front row seat to this amazing

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